Many people ask me Adam, do fat burners work?
Short answer: Yes they do. The caveat is that you still need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight and burn fat.
I would even say that most fat burners work. But its about ingredients, when you take them and current diet.
Let's first understand how fat burners work inside the body: Most of them are either a diuretic, thermogenic, appetite suppressant or metabolism booster. Sometimes, you can find one that has all!
Appetite suppressants work by reducing your need/ want for food or making you feel full quicker. The problem is, when you stop taking appetite suppressants they will bring on your appetite back with a vengeance. So be careful
Diuretics are supplements that make you release water more efficiently. Either by sweat or urination. If you choose to use a diuretic make sure you are drinking more water than normal to decrease risk of dehydration. The weight you lose with diuretics is water weight which will likely come back. This is why I would recommend using a fat burner that is a diuretic and metabolism booster.
Metabolism boosters are fat burners that boost your metabolism & increase the number of calories you burn while resting. This is the best fat burner to use. That means you burn more calories, watching tv, sitting, driving to work than you do without it.
Always go with the fat burner that has less ingredients. If you look on the back and you see 15-20 ingredients then you are risking your product being cheaply made and potentially unsafe.
In general, I recommend a fat burner to have 5 ingredients or less.
Hydroxycut has a lot of natural ingredients in it, including coffee and shitake mushrooms!
The reason it made the list is because most of the ingredients are natural, however it does have some synthetic ingredients. It has over 25 ingredients. ( Read above for my recommendation on ingredient number)
One of the cons of the product is that it is primarily caffeine-based which can trigger some anxious feelings in some people. This means you will need to avoid caffeine consumption while taking this product.
Also, since they are capsules the body will not absorb everything inside the capsule, especially if you have digestive issues. You need to take 4 pills per day in order to see the full benefits of this product and you can purchase a bottle for anywhere between $38-$45
Overall, I would give Hydroxycut a 7/10. If they had more natural ingredients and les synthetic it would easily be an 8
It comes with each day wrapped individually. So, one pack would have 8 pills you would need to take for the day...which I didn't like.
Personally, I don't like taking pills. Especially 8....They are hard to get down and the absorption rate is awful. Remember, you have to digest the capsule first before you get to the ingredients inside!
Also, it takes too long for me to take pills. I need water and a place to store the pills safely...
Just as with hydroxycut they have a mix of synthetic ingredients & natural ingredients. About 20 ingredients total.
If you don't mind taking 8 pills per day then you may want to try it!
You can purchase animal paks for $42-$50
The reason it made number 1 was simple: It only has 3 ingredients. Which is extremely rare in the supplement industry for a fat burner.
The ingredients are proven to be thermogenic. The best part is that its a liquid extract unlike the animal pak and hydroxycut. Which means faster & easier digestion along with being easier to take.
Extracts are more powerful than pills because the contents have already been extracted.
One con in this supplement is the taste for some people. Since it is 100% herbal taste will not be great. The good news is; the amount you need to take is small. Just drop the liquid on your tongue. You can also add it to your water if you can deal with the taste.
You will need to cycle this fat burner. Take it for a period and then rest for a period. I would recommend only taking this fat burner for 2-3 weeks. Then take 1-2 weeks off and start again.
This fat burner does not have any caffeine, so you can drink coffee while on it. In fact, you can even add the droppers to your coffee for a powerful fat burning morning coffee.
You can
purchase the clean burn YP in our store.
Now that you have a better understanding of fat burners, make a decision based on the factors important to you. Share this article with friends who may be interested in trying a fat burner.
Remember! No matter which supplement you pick you need to begin eating better and more importantly you must be in a caloric deficit to lose weight!
If you need help with being in a caloric deficit schedule a call with me for free and I will see if you are a good fit for my ultimate fat loss program!
- Adam The Nutritionist
1 Chase Corporate Drive
Hoover, Al