The average doctor does not know how to use burdock root correctly. The average doctor does not know about Equisetum leaves.
Yet, they will tell you to avoid it. Why are we so quick to prescribe drugs that we know has no nutritional value?
Why are doctors let off the hook for prescribing drugs that are harming hundreds of thousands of people?
The worse part, most people who suffer don’t even think it’s the “medicine” when in reality the medicine is causing most of the symptoms, anxiety and pain they are feeling.
An FDA approved drug means absolutely nothing. Too many people die each year from prescription drugs for us to be silent about!
The more prescription drugs a person takes & the longer they take them, the more rapidly their health deteriorates. Any doctor will tell you this. But people are conditioned not to ask docs questions.
For context, according to The Journal of Patient Safety:
Between 210,000 and 440,000 people who go to the hospital for care “suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death”
This includes misdiagnosis & medication. Medical errors are an under-recognized cause of death. Even properly prescribed drugs cause about 1.9 million hospitalizations per year.
If 200-400k people die from medical errors, this means more people die from medical errors than diabetes(83k) & stroke (149k) combined. Take this into consideration
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Hoover, Al